Podcast Episodes

Repressed Homes – Beth Lapides

Beth Lapides aka @BethLapides is a writer, a producer, and the creator of UnCabaret–the show that launched the alt comedy revolution. She shares her struggles with growing up in a repressed home and offers deeply insightful advice on how to shift your perspective.


BPD & DBT – Jesse Finkelstein

Today Jessie Finkelstein, a therapist specializing in Emotional Regulation Disorder (BPD) and DBT therapy, shares his expertise. He is the creator of the online portal TheraHive and The Game of Real Life, both of which help anyone build DBT skills. #BPD #DBT


Taboos – Ali Weiss

Ali Weiss (aka @AliWeissWorld) has made a career out of talking about difficult things. In this episode, she reveals her stories of addiction, abortion, and healing from childhood traumas. Be sure to check out her podcast Tales of Taboo for more.




Adam Ferrara – Anxiety!

Actor and stand-up comedian Adam Ferrara (@AdamFerrara) shares his struggles with panic, anxiety, and unlearning the patterns of his childhood–along with his appreciation for life lessons from his father. Be sure to check out The Adam Ferrara podcast for more.



Paul’s hockey buddy, Limey, shares how important hockey and his team has been for him as someone who has struggled with depression–an illness that he didn’t realize, for a long time, he actually had.