Letter To Her Suicidal 16 Year-Old Self – Katie Hirshberg
The 19 year-old college sophomore opens with a letter she wrote to her 16 year-old self who was so tired of the years of depression, anxiety self-hate, bullying, co-dependence, perfectionism, Crohn’s Disease and feeling like a burden that she was on the verge of taking her life. Her dad, Alan sits in on the session to occasionally share his perspective on her struggles, their family dynamics and what he might have done differently.
This episode is sponsored by American Public Media’s podcast The Hilarious World of Depression with host John Moe
This episode is sponsored by TalkSpace online therapy. To sign up or to learn more, go to www.Talkspace.com/mihh and, as a special offer for our listeners, you can use coupon code MIHH to get $30 off your first month.
Follow Katie on Twitter at @Rosearium
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