Dr Jessica Zucker #3
Therapist Dr Zucker shares the harrowing emotional, mental and physical details of her late-term (16th week) miscarriage; how to support a friend or loved one who experiences pregnancy loss, and of course she and Paul talk about his mom.
This episode is sponsored by Howl.FM For a free one-month trial go to www.howl.fm and use the offer code MENTAL
To learn more about pregnancy loss and reproductive mental health go to Postpartum Support International at www.postpartum.net
To buy Dr. Zucker’s pregnancy loss cards go to www.shop.drjessicazucker.com
Robin Ganahl
03/19/2023 at 3:25 amI love this episode so much. I want to listen to her episode #2, is there a way to see episodes no longer available if I pay?